It is common in epilepsy surgery to
implant grids and strips of electrodes
between the skull and brain or inside the
brain, in order to localize functional
areas (Fig. 1). MR scans are currently used for a
variety of image-guided surgical planning
tasks, including the localization of the
electrode grids. However, the MR scan taken
of a patient with implanted electrodes is
distorted, and it is difficult to visualize
and relate the electrode positions to
head and brain structures (Fig. 2).
1: Electrode grid implantation. An 8 by 8
subdural grid of electrodes is placed on
the exposed brain surface. The white wires
coming out from the gap between the brain
and the skull are from electrode strips
that have already been implanted. The
figure is from [1] and it is used with
permission; Copyright © 2000 IEEE;
All rights reserved.
2: Figure (a) shows three orthogonal
sections through a post-op MR scan. One
can see the artifacts caused by electrodes
of an 8 by 8 grid between the top of the
brain and the skull. It is not easy to
visualize where those electrodes are in
the grid and how they are related to brain
structures of interest. Figure (b) shows
an axial slice of another patient. The
artifacts are usually sphere-shaped (small
arrows), but sometimes (big arrow) are so
dominant that it is very difficult even for
the human eye to locate the electrode
positions. The figure is from [2] and it
is used with permission; Copyright ©
1999 Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; All
rights reserved.
For this reason we have developed an
automatic algorithm that reliably extracts
grids of electrodes from corrupted post-op
MR scans [2]. The grid is fitted as a
smooth, curved surface through the
estimated electrode positions, properly
estimating the orientation of the thin
disk-shaped electrodes. The extracted grid
is then displayed in 3D together with the
desired brain structures, color-coding the
electrodes corresponding to particular
functional areas. Examples of extracted
electrode grids can be seen in Fig. 3 and
the Brain
Multimodality Registration and
Visualization project page.
3: These two figures show examples of the
final electrode grid, represented as a
smooth surface with disk-shaped electrodes
properly oriented. The electrodes can be
color-coded to denote functional
areas. The figure is from [2] and it is
used with permission; Copyright ©
1999 Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; All
rights reserved.
In addition to the automated subdural
electrode extraction, we have developed
methods for interactive manipulation of
electrode grids, in case the automated
results need to be corrected [1,3]. Figs. 4
and 5 illustrate the interactive
manipulation. With these tools it is much easier to
visualize and relate the position of the
functional areas of interest with respect
to brain anatomy and plan the surgery.
4: The left and right figures show a
sequence of deformed electrode grid (a
grid of 6 by 4 electrodes) and the
corresponding underlying model,
respectively. The model is composed of
nodes interconnected with springs (the
lines in the right figures) and it assures
that the intrinsic surface distances are
preserved within the specified relative
error. In the left images one can see the
selected electrode that is manipulated by
the user. The user can move the selected
electrode in the surface tangent plane or
normal to it. The figure is from [1] and
it is used with permission; Copyright
© 2000 IEEE; All rights reserved.
5: Interactive electrode strip
manipulation. The user selected an
electrode from the strip and interactively
moved it in the direction perpendicular to
the electrode disk until the strip assumed
an improved shape. Electrodes can be
interactively moved in tangent directions,
too. As the user moved the electrode, the
rest of the strip moved in a physically
correct way. Then the user selected
another electrode and repeated the process
until the electrode strip was properly
positioned. Note that the strip was not
stretched or compressed during the
manipulation, i.e. that the distances
along the strip were preserved. The figure
is from [3] and it is used with
permission; Copyright © 2002 Oskar
Skrinjar; All rights reserved.
[1] Skrinjar, O., Duncan, J.:
"Preserving Intrinsic Surface Distances -
Application to Electrode Grid
Manipulation", IEEE Workshop on
Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image
Analysis, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA,
pp. 54-60, June
2000. LINK
[2] Skrinjar, O., Duncan, J.,
"Automatic Extraction of Implanted
Electrode Grids", Medical Image Computing
and Computer Assisted Intervention,
Proceedings, Cambridge, UK, pp. 990-997,
1999. LINK
[3] Skrinjar, O., "Deformable Models
in Image-Guided Neurosurgery", PhD Thesis,
Yale University, May
2002. LINK